Barclays and Oxford University Announce 3 Year Agri-Climate Partnership

Barclays has announced a three-year partnership with Oxford University’s Sustainable Finance Group (OxSFG) and the UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment (CGFI). This first of its kind project will meet the urgent need to generate better emissions data and establish decarbonisation pathways which would enable Barclays and other financial institutions to support clients in […]
BlackRock and Vanguard tell UK inquiry they will not quit fossil fuel investments: Ben Caldecott comments

BlackRock and Vanguard are among the financial institutions that have told a UK inquiry they will continue to invest in fossil fuels and do not subscribe to the view that climate change plans require an end to new coal, oil and gas investment. Ben Caldecott, director of the UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment, […]