Masterclass in Transition Finance and Sustainability-Linked Instruments
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Course directors: Dr. Gireesh Shrimali, Head of Transition Finance Research, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group. José Luis Reséndiz, Research Assistant, Transition Finance Research, Oxford sustainable Finance Group.
To deliver the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the UN SDGs, it is necessary that finance and financial services be provided to support, enable, and encourage companies, countries, and individuals to transition toward those objectives. Transition finance is the overarching framework for enabling finance for this transition. Given the crucial role of the public sector in providing the enabling environment for this transition, the Masterclass will provide public servants and third sector representatives with a foundational understanding of transition finance. The Masterclass will provide participants with an understanding of key concepts, new asset classes, market insights, and topics to effectively navigate developments throughout this emerging field and discover and mobilise levers of change.

- 2025 Dates TBC
- Free
Places on this course are strictly limited to those who have primary employment in:
- central or local government
- regulatory agencies
- supervisory authorities
- central banks
- multilateral institutions
- non-profit civil society organisations
- registered charities
- philanthropic organisations
Evidence of this may be requested and required.
Application form – collection notice: Information collected in the Application Form above will only be used for the purpose of evaluating your application to the Masterclass in Transition Finance and Sustainability-Linked Instruments at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment (SSEE), School of Geography and the Environment (SoGE), University of Oxford, and will not be made available to third-parties. Information provided will only be kept for as long as is necessary to fulfil this purpose. Information is handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. By supplying this information you are consenting to the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, SoGE holding and using it for the purposes for which it was provided. For more information, please see the SoGE’s Privacy Policy.

By the end of this Masterclass participants will be able to:
- Understand the purpose of transition finance and the emergent financial products and services supporting counterparties, such as companies, sovereigns, and individuals, realise alignment with environmental and social sustainability.
- Analyse the role of the public sector in adopting and promoting transition financing instruments and how they are shaped by public policy. They will also compare the motivations of market participants internationally and investigate what has or has not worked.
- Assess how and why sustainability-linked financing products are evolving in different jurisdictions and examine the challenges and opportunities this creates.
- Understand how transition finance could improve the credibility of net-zero commitments and transition plans.
Masterclass syllabus
Session one
- Introduction to course
- Sustainability transition and transition finance
- Transition risks and opportunities in the financial system
- Transition finance and its relation with corporate sustainability performance
- Transition finance frameworks
- Financial products and regulations
- Case studies
Session two
- Fundamentals of sustainability-linked bonds and loans
- Landscape of the market
- Sustainability-linked financing frameworks and transition plans
- Performance so far, including challenges and risks
- Case studies: sovereign sustainability-linked bonds
Session three
- Stakeholders: capital providers and counterparties – issuers, investors, banks, NGOs
- Incentive structures: financial, regulatory, managerial, and reputational
- Key performance indicators and targets: setting KPIs and MRV
- Case studies
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OxSFG was established in 2012 and is a multidisciplinary research centre working to be the world’s best place for research and teaching on sustainable finance and investment. We work globally across asset classes, finance professions, and with different parts of the financial system.